Its been one of those really good days where everything goes so well that the few bummer-incidents dont mess it up. I had no Seminary this morning so i slept in until eight thirty! So of course the day seemed to be much MUCH shorter. But the morning that i normally dread starting, ended up being fantastic!
Which is what brings me to the next topic of tonights post:
Im going to start a Picture of the Day. Anyone who wants to join in and post or link to mine is free to. In fact, please do!
Todays picture is not one i took (but the rest will be i promise).

In culinary arts today, we took our final which was writing an essay about what we have learned in the class. I didnt even like cooking before i was in that class so i had a lot to say. Then we had a competition to see who could make the most tasty and most unique-looking breakfast item. My friend and i made the eggs in a nest dish, hashbrowns, and sausage. We designed it in a way that looked super professional and amazing! It was an automatic eye-catcher. The judges were brought in and while we cleaned up they judged. Im not sure what teachers they were but they knew enough about cooking to use the big technical words to describe who won and why. We got second in both taste and presentation. There was a waffle and icecream dish that looked healthy. Yeah-got me to. But i have to admit, it was pretty tasty-looking. Not healthy, but tasty(: The dish that won first in taste were these two dorks-of-guys. They called theirs meat-in-a-bowl. It consisted of bacon and sausage that stuck out of the corners of the bowl (square bowl) and a scrambled egg mixture filled the middle. It was very yummy! and spicy.
Now, for the song of the day. Which Part is Mine by Michael Mclean. I think i might have listened to it thirty times today! Its just so pretty and inspiring. If you have never heard of it...LISTEN TO IT NOW!
So that pretty much sums up my day. It was very relaxing with only one class and it was overcast and enjoyable with both parents at home today. Ended with the putting-up of these cute letters from Michaels.
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