Friday, March 11, 2011

Awkward and Awesome

  • My class was watching a movie and  i was tired from a REALLY late night at work. I was laying my head down when suddenly...i burp.
  • I was in class messing around with the laptop so i was totally in on the mmoment on the screen, however, i occationally look up and this one time i unfortunately look up i see a thong. Please, spare me the details.
  • What do you get when you add me and work?
    • useless.
  • My night lasted all night. The awkward part was that  by working that late, my managers girlfriends came up. And by girlfriends, i literally mean GIRLFRIENDS.
  • It was the last day of college classes until the end of Spring Break
  • I got all my vocabulary done!
  • In English 1302, I FINALLY PARKED MY CAR!

More good happened yesterday than bad.
Even though i barely mentioned any of the good stuff!

The pictures are from a while ago. I have had them done and beautiful for such a long time its ridiculous that its taken this long to get online..
Today in RST the kids were all over me! Well, figuratively speaking they were. They were all so excited that it was almost spring break and that today was student-is-the-teacher day and ya know. Everything else thats exciting about school.  There is this author who is amazing! She writes picture books but they are always related to her life or to something that has happened in the lives of someone she knows. 
I will post her name next time. 
As for now, i get to enjoy me some ribs!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

post much?

why are we so excited you may ask..? well because we had no school. WOOHOO! it was a happy day.

i have no more to say which is a shame. but maybe if i learn to post at more reasonable hours you might actually get to hear more from me.


Friday, March 04, 2011

in sleeping case

Just so i dont get too many comments and questions, i want all of you fellow bloggers to understand the reason behind no pictures today, or the day get the point. Well, the reason is because i have food poisoning.  Sucks, right? Nah! You get used to it after the first day or so. But low and behold, i am not the only one who got it. 
Apparently, anyone who ate eggs (scrambled) at iHop the day of their free stacks day, also got food poisoning.
Who woulda thunk that iHop was too busy to cook their eggs all the way?!
Oh wait! They weren't busy you say?
Well, what does that leave us with then?
Who knows
They dont care.

So therefore, my hopefully soon-to-be-roomate and i are stuck at home sick in bed for two days straight.

that is all.