Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blog date and pre-Teens..(:

So how do you like the new look? You like it?! Me too! It only took a couple of my friends and i six hours to figure everythig out! But as you can see, it turned out well. Check out Madi and Katies! They all turned out pretty cute! (just so no one gets confused or anything, mu keyboard is messing up hrd core and skipping leters i type. so if something is spelled wrong, that is why. i ampratically pounding on the keys to ge them to work!)
Though all the blogs turned out waaaay cuuuute, we didnt exactly get the memo...
They always make fun of how i never match when it comes to clothes. So they decided to match me last night - hence my long socks that match nothing i am wearing, Katie wearing my too-small-for-her shoes with socks (so comfortable!) and Madis boots with capris.......i approve.

Now we have the 12 year old girlies who just loove having a driver as cool as me!

Mixed up - our crazy outfits and staying out 'til 11:00pm when i work the next moning at 6.
Matched up - the Purpleberri icecream! with ofcourse the cutest girlies ever!

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